

Time flies, it took two decades to shape today’s HKBRIC. Without your partaking, it would never happen.

Since 2020, citizens in this city are walking on eggshells. The risk of arbitrary detention has significantly outweighed the benefits of economic prosperity. It’s now to reconsider our life planning.

To spare more time with our families when counting down our days in the city, HKBRIC will reach end of updates after 1st October, 2021. The existing domain hkbric.net will also be expired in the next month. Depending on the wishes of the hosting party, the content may be inaccessible at any time after.

Email account hkbric@gmail.com and its YouTube channel would continue operation.

For those who read until this line, please accept our greatest gratitude. Good luck, and goodbye.
- 28th August, 2021

歲月如梭,廿載寒暑成就今日的 HKBRIC 。沒有你們一直參與,我們沒可能走到今天。

2020 年起,居於此城變得如履薄冰。任意拘押的風險已經顯着大於經濟繁榮的好處。現在是重新思考我們生命規劃的時候。

為了在剩下居留的日子多點陪伴家人, HKBRIC 會於 2021 年 10 月 1 日後停止更新,現有域名 hkbric.net 亦會於之後一個月不再續期。視乎網站寄存方的意願,網站內容可能於隨後任何時間無法存取。

電郵帳戶 hkbric@gmail.com 及其 YouTube 頻道會繼續運作。

- 2021 年 8 月 28 日

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